Well, it has been a long time coming, but it had to happen. It’s time for a fresh start.
On March 10, 2012, I purchased the domain www.sportdogphoto.com. I knew absolutely zero about websites, and was relying on the experience of a couple good friends to get me started. Being that I had no clue what I was doing, and that there was going to be a learning curve to building a website, it was decided at the time to build the site under a sub domain, and then transfer it to the primary once I had everything in place. I’m sure that some of you noticed that when you went to my site, the domain was newsite.sportdogphoto.com.
As time passed and I took longer than expected to get everything set, I began to build pretty good search ratings on the “temporary” domain. Even when I had things at a comfortable place, I wasn’t sure how to move my content over to the proper domain. Ergo 2017. 5 years is enough and it was now time to make this happen. I decided that since I was going to have to basically rebuild my site at the new domain, that I might as well give it a fresh look while I am at it.
And, here we are. I like simplicity and ease of use. I try not to over infosize(yeah, just made that up) my visitors, and let them get to the places they want to go. I hope that this new site provides the necessary content that people are looking for, while still engaging new visitors.
So, whats new? Well, not a whole lot is exactly new. I have fresh home page that while similar to the old, has a cleaner menu and allows the viewer to browse the images uninhibited by the menu or content. I am constantly building my collection of images available for stock commercial and editorial use. I have so many images on so many drives, it will take some time to go through them all and get them loaded on the server. I will also be adding new images as I go.
I am also hoping to be a little better at keeping this blog stocked with fresh content. What that will be, I haven’t quite decided yet. Leave a comment below, and let me know if there are any subjects you would like to read about. I am thinking besides covering events, I may also cover some general photography tips, thoughts, and occasional rants.
All in all, this is the right step to be taking. I hope you will continue to help make Sport Dog Photography the go to service for all your dog, hunting, and outdoor photography needs.